lauantai 30. heinäkuuta 2011

Estonian Authorities Promote Neo-Nazism

After horrible events in Norway and the massacre organized by an ultra-nationalist, Estonian authorities actually make a mockery of the European tragedy and demonstrate their contempt towards the victims of the terror attack by promoting neo-Nazism.

“A convention of Estonian SS Division veterans has found its guardian angel in the form of the Estonian authorities, who are protecting it from any unpleasant meddling by the international anti-fascist movement.
­Finnish human rights activist and chairman of Finland’s Anti-fascist Committee, Johan Backman, has been prevented by police from entering Estonia to participate in an anti-nazi rally.”

While the whole Europe is in a state of shock after the terror attack committed by a far-right ultra-nationalist and people are grieving with the Norwegians, at the very same time Estonian authorities ensure the protection for the glorification of Nazism in order to justify their apartheid policy towards Russian-speaking minorities in the country.

Taking into account the rise of neo-Nazism in Europe and the drastic consequences of this phenomenon, it’s high time to discuss the issue in the international organizations in order to take necessary measures and to prevent the destructive development caused by the rise of neo-Nazism.